Thursday, January 12, 2006

Kevin Cahill's Post

My sense of place has seems to have always been distorted. I grew up in Cincinnati, but I never felt like I belonged here. The landscape of the city is a good analogy for my life. It is full of hills, ups and downs, and is separated into many different pockets of existence that never really seem to coincide. In many ways that is how I feel about my existence. I don't feel as though I have ever meshed completely with one group or one place. I never felt at home until I left the conservative confines of my youth and went to Barcelona. This is a place where I feel at home. The landscape is more liberal. They aren't afraid of nipples there. The mind-set is more open and so is the location. The city rests on a beach between two mountains. I survived there playing the guitar and existed on a liberated plane. I didn't realize how important that place was to me until I left and then returned. As I saw the city from the window of the airplane and realized that I would spend the day navigating the cluttered streets with occasional palm trees I was happy. I like the narrow pedestrian walkways with Catalan names. They lack the strict grid of life in the states, and that reflects the nature of my mentality. It doesn't fall into any formulation that I can recognize. I can get lost there and always find my way out. --Kevin Cahill


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