Thursday, February 02, 2006

Blog 3

The past few readings we have done in class have been about death or a disease that can lead to death. These past few years have been hard for me because my mother passed away, then it was my grandpa (dad's dad) and then my grandma (mom's side) just passed away a week ago. It just seems to never end. My mother had breast cancer which lead to cancer of the liver. When i read Gross's article, "Cancer Becomes Me" it just made me think of my mom. Gross obviosuly knew she had cancer, but she didn't dwell on it. She found some humor in her situation. Most people it would be hard to be so uplifting, but my mom found a away just like Gross did. She had a great attitude and was joking self any chance she could be. She had her days where the cancer took control, but she fought hard. I think it is a little weird to me that we have been reading these stories about death or diseases because of what just happened with my grandma passing away. It seems like it was meant to be. We all will have ostacles in life with death or illnesses, but we have to overcome them. After going through what I have the past few years it has made me a stronger person and I understand a lot more of what people go through or how people feel.


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