Tuesday, February 14, 2006

old---dead metaphors

After reading te article by Lewis, I was very confused on what he was trying to say that had to deal with metaphors. You have to sit and read and then reread to actually understand what Lewis is trying to describe in his writing. When I hear about old and dead metaphors, I think of people refering to death when trying to describe everyday life actions that they partake in. For instance, i have ankle problems, so when my friends ask me how my injury is, I always answer, "I would rather be dead." My ankle always hurts and I know that I will not die from my injury of course but I want my friends to be able to relate to how much pain I am in. When I think of old metaphors, I think of metaphors that have been around forever and the ones that my dad still uses until this day. Such as, "Its as cold as a well diggers butt out here." This metaphor relates to how cold it is outside to how cold a well diggers butt can get when they are working. Older metaphors are hard to comprehend and understand to their full degree the first time that you hear them because we are not accustom to them. However, once you hear them over and over again, you will usually find yourself to be using them in your everyday language without realizing it.


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